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On board the Vasa - Episode 1
Följ med ombord på Vasa! Tillsammans med forskningsledare Fred Hocker utforskar vi Vasas samtliga inre utrymmen. I det första avsnittet följer vi med till akterkastellet.
Переглядів: 54 105


On board the Vasa - Episode 2
Переглядів 58 тис.Рік тому
Följ med ombord på Vasa! Tillsammans med forskningsledare Fred Hocker utforskar vi Vasas samtliga inre utrymmen. I det andra avsnittet följer vi med till övre batteridäck.
On board the Vasa - Episode 4
Переглядів 13 тис.Рік тому
Följ med ombord på Vasa! Tillsammans med forskningsledare Fred Hocker utforskar vi Vasas samtliga inre utrymmen. I det första avsnittet tar vi med dig till trossdäck.
On board the Vasa - Episode 5
Переглядів 16 тис.Рік тому
Följ med ombord på Vasa! Tillsammans med forskningsledare Fred Hocker utforskar vi Vasas samtliga inre utrymmen. I det femte och sista avsnittet tar vi med dig till hålskeppet.
On board the Vasa - Episode 3
Переглядів 19 тис.Рік тому
Följ med ombord på Vasa! Tillsammans med forskningsledare Fred Hocker utforskar vi Vasas samtliga inre utrymmen. I det tredje avsnittet följer vi med till undre batteridäck.
Salvaging a sinking ship - again
Переглядів 10 тис.Рік тому
Vasa deformeras långsamt av sin egen tyngd, och riskerar att gå sönder. För att rädda Vasa pågår ett ambitiöst och utmanande arbete med att byta ut skeppets stöttning.
Переглядів 1,7 тис.Рік тому
Vasamuseets pedagog Karl Simon gör ett experiment som visar hur dykare på 1600-talet kunde andas under vattnet med hjälp av en dykarklocka.
PROJICERING på Vägg i utställningen Vasa på nära håll
Переглядів 9013 роки тому
Förklarande animation till hur Vasas akter ska tolkas. Den projiceras på en vägg i utställningen Vasa på nära håll, helt nära aktern, så att besökaren kan se både animation och skeppet på ett enkelt sätt.
Information om den digitala produktionen i utställningen Vasa på nära håll
Переглядів 1,7 тис.3 роки тому
På skärmar i utställningen Vasa på nära håll finns information om hur besökaren enkelt kan nå den digitala produktionen som hör till utställningen.
Om Vasamuseet, teckenspråk
Переглядів 4903 роки тому
En unik konstskatt Skeppet Vasa kantrade och sjönk på sin allra första resa i Stockholm 1628. Efter 333 år på sjöbottnen bärgades det väldiga krigsskeppet och resan kunde fortsätta. Idag är Vasa världens bäst bevarade 1600-talsskepp och visas i ett specialbyggt museum i Stockholm. Vasa är en unik konstskatt och består till 98 procent av originaldelar och hundratals snidade skulpturer. På Vasamu...
Om skeppet Vasa, teckenspråk
Переглядів 3503 роки тому
Vasa beställdes av den svenske kungen Gustav II Adolf och byggdes av ungefär 400 kvinnor och män i Stockholm från 1626. Det var ett kraftfullt skepp med tre master som kunde bära tio segel, mätte 52 meter från topp till köl, var 69 meter långt och vägde 1200 ton. Vasa skulle ha blivit ett viktigt skepp med sina 64 kanoner i den svenska örlogsflottan, men viktfördelningen blev fel; Vasa var för ...
Forskning och bevarande, teckenspråk
Переглядів 2633 роки тому
När Vasamuseet öppnade 1990 ansågs konserveringen av skeppet och de tiotusentals föremålen vara avslutad. Men redan under det närmsta decenniet kom tecken på oönskade förändringar i Vasas trä då gulvita utfällningar började uppträda på timrens och träföremålens ytor. Utfällningarna bestod av svavel- och järnföreningar med hög surhet, och signalerade att nedbrytande reaktioner påverkade Vasas tr...
400 år sedan bröllopet
Переглядів 2,5 тис.3 роки тому
Idag, 25 november 2020, är det 400 år sedan Gustav Adolf och Maria Eleonora av Brandenburg gifte sig. Sofia Nestor från Livrustkammaren berättar om bröllopet.
Bakom kulisserna på Vasamuseet: Klädernas dolda budskap
Переглядів 9 тис.3 роки тому
På Vasamuseet finns den största samlingen av vanliga människors kläder från 1600-talet. Följ med forskaren Anna Silwerulv bakom kulisserna, när hon berättar om kläderna och de överraskande upptäckter som nyligen har gjorts.
Vasamuseets pedagogiska program
Переглядів 3,8 тис.3 роки тому
Vasamuseets pedagogiska program
Прогулка по музею корабля Васа
Переглядів 15 тис.3 роки тому
Прогулка по музею корабля Васа
The Mystery of the Missing Cannon
Переглядів 9 тис.4 роки тому
The Mystery of the Missing Cannon
Dejta på Vasamuseet
Переглядів 3234 роки тому
Dejta på Vasamuseet
Ny utställning: Vasa på nära håll
Переглядів 11 тис.4 роки тому
Ny utställning: Vasa på nära håll
The Swedish Navy hunt for Vasa's lost cannon
Переглядів 32 тис.4 роки тому
The Swedish Navy hunt for Vasa's lost cannon
The search for Vasa's lost cannon
Переглядів 8 тис.4 роки тому
The search for Vasa's lost cannon
Kvinnorna tar plats på Vasa
Переглядів 6885 років тому
Kvinnorna tar plats på Vasa
Föreläsning: Samer och Vasa
Переглядів 1,2 тис.5 років тому
Föreläsning: Samer och Vasa
Finding the Vasa Cannon - President of Friends of Vasa Leif Nylander
Переглядів 1,4 тис.5 років тому
Finding the Vasa Cannon - President of Friends of Vasa Leif Nylander
Visitors reacting to the exhibition "Vasa's women"
Переглядів 7105 років тому
Visitors reacting to the exhibition "Vasa's women"
Vasamuseets pedagoger: Föremål från havsbotten och teknik på riktigt
Переглядів 1,2 тис.5 років тому
Vasamuseets pedagoger: Föremål från havsbotten och teknik på riktigt
Vasamuseets pedagoger: Vasa - kemiskt sett
Переглядів 1,5 тис.5 років тому
Vasamuseets pedagoger: Vasa - kemiskt sett
Finding the Vasa cannon - British ambassador David Cairns
Переглядів 2,2 тис.6 років тому
Finding the Vasa cannon - British ambassador David Cairns
Finding the Vasa cannon - Dr Fred Hocker
Переглядів 6 тис.6 років тому
Finding the Vasa cannon - Dr Fred Hocker
Finding the Vasa cannon - Ambassador of Netherlands Ines Coppoolse
Переглядів 1,9 тис.6 років тому
Finding the Vasa cannon - Ambassador of Netherlands Ines Coppoolse


  • @ssttvooo
    @ssttvooo 3 дні тому

    is it just me, or dose the interior of this ship look rather un-natural. it honestly took me longer then it should have, to realize this wasn't a still image on a green screen

  • @ryanfleming7798
    @ryanfleming7798 Місяць тому

    I wonder why the galley was never used 🤔? Maybe because the damn thing wasn't afloat for an hour. Hearing this knot head state the obvious over and over is aggravating as hell. This would have been a much better video if they just filmed the inside of the ship in silence....

  • @kavorka8855
    @kavorka8855 Місяць тому

    I was there last week, a 3-4 level of viewing was amazing, you will never know the amazing, jaw dropping feeling until you physically go there and see this amazing piece of wonder! I took tons of pictures and videos but nothing captures the feeling like your own eyes really close to the ship!

  • @hendo337
    @hendo337 Місяць тому

    That's crazy, they made parts that translate too an engine with that water pump, a cylinder, a piston, a connecting rod, a rocker arm...just wood and not metal... it's crazy to see something like a ship that was preserved from 1628, that is around the time my Great Grandfather George Felt (1601-1693)(he's on Wikipedia) reached Massachusetts Bay Colony, he was a founder of Charleston, Mass and North Yarmouth (later Yarmouth, Maine). It definitely seems like a much more ornimental, Viking type ship than the more utilitarian and functional type ships the English seemed to be building. Either way, it's unbelievable that organic materials like that were so well preserved under the ocean for all these years. Now the SS. United States, the quickest ocean liner in history and the flagship of our country is still floating and can still be saved and is being threatened with scrapping ...😢🤦🥺

  • @royfr8136
    @royfr8136 Місяць тому


    • @h.calvert3165
      @h.calvert3165 Місяць тому

      Well, if the only alternative to internal bracing is to have it completely collapse. . .after all, it is hundreds of years old, & spent most of those years at the bottom of the harbour! 🌊

  • @johnbeans2000
    @johnbeans2000 Місяць тому

    Thank you! Will visit this summer!

  • @marknelson5929
    @marknelson5929 2 місяці тому

    I just loved all of the series - I could listen to more in ever greater detail. Why does this vessel hold such a fascination... a real and tangible physical link to the past. The next thing would be to see the recovered objects, personal effects, rigging, sails etc. But many thanks for your time in producing this, I will revisit all, as I found it so fascinating. Thanks

  • @marknelson5929
    @marknelson5929 2 місяці тому

    It just gets better. Many thanks!

  • @marknelson5929
    @marknelson5929 2 місяці тому

    How did salvers in the 1660s remove heavy guns from the ship - we are talking about primitive diving and removal of very heavy objects below decks in a sunken ship?

  • @marknelson5929
    @marknelson5929 2 місяці тому

    This by far is the best description of the ship I have ever seen so far - thoroughly fascinating. All others just seem to focus on the external and the sinking, I've always been curious as to what lies beneath the decks etc you've answered that. I've been fascinated by this vessel since the 60s as a kid and indeed as we know AIRFIX took the plunge due to this interest and made a very respectable kit to make back then - a kit I always wanted back then, but never got. Now I have that kit, an original first pressing from when it first came out, this means the mouldings are pretty crisp. Your tour of the ship is amazing and as I'll probably never be able to visit the ship in person (I live in Australia) your tour equates to having a personal guide. ONE QUESTION I HAVE - was the ship painted below the waterline? I see many models with a white lower hull (below the waterline). Thanks

  • @user-fk1ij3dd5k
    @user-fk1ij3dd5k 2 місяці тому

    три тысячи чертей, почему так мало лайков?.... якорь вам в бухту ! люди проснитесь !

  • @DaBoogie049
    @DaBoogie049 2 місяці тому

    This tour of the ship is absolutely sensational. Now everybody can see what's inside!

  • @DaBoogie049
    @DaBoogie049 2 місяці тому

    The whole story is just so unbelievable!

  • @vanessagupit4506
    @vanessagupit4506 2 місяці тому


  • @doctorshawzy6477
    @doctorshawzy6477 2 місяці тому

    very professional talk

  • @gamerhalim4717
    @gamerhalim4717 2 місяці тому

    I wish to see it. Never step on warship. From Indonesia 🇮🇩

    • @h.calvert3165
      @h.calvert3165 Місяць тому

      I am impressed with your English. Your spelling is even perfect, sadly not true of most native English-speakers on UA-cam. From Canada. 🇨🇦

  • @IXXI37
    @IXXI37 2 місяці тому

    After viewing some videos about how and why the ship sank so quickly, a good possibility of what happened may have been that the cannons where not secured to their positions. Maybe you can confirm by where they found the cannons during the recovery process? But as the wind pushed on the ships sails, the ship leaned with the wind, the weight of the cannons may have shifted and the ship tipped over so far that they took on water through the gun ports. Weight distribution and securing all items are crucial to a ship like that to maintain balance and buoyancy. Aside from that great video, great recovery and I think she looks really good as she is. I would sail her. Thank you for the tour, history and I hope to one day make it there to see she her in person and your beautiful country.

  • @elimaysel4mwashier398
    @elimaysel4mwashier398 2 місяці тому

    How about hygiene onboard?

  • @torstenmay204
    @torstenmay204 3 місяці тому

    Awesome presentation by Fred, who might have the best job in the world!

  • @amyslane824
    @amyslane824 3 місяці тому

    Wondering if the missing stone in the ring was a sapphire stone???

  • @SK-nx1qe
    @SK-nx1qe 3 місяці тому

    это что, мозги чтоли

  • @user-ef3se1ew6n
    @user-ef3se1ew6n 3 місяці тому

    словно сам побывал на экскурсии. Спасибо большое!

  • @jonriley8342
    @jonriley8342 4 місяці тому

    That was wonderful so thank you so much.

  • @coreyperez13
    @coreyperez13 4 місяці тому

    Amazing presentation, information, and collection of workmanship by both ancient workers and today's workers. It really is a shame that this video series is not more suggested. I enjoyed all of this collection!

  • @coreyperez13
    @coreyperez13 4 місяці тому

    Amazing presentation, information, and collection of workmanship by both ancient workers and today's workers. It really is a shame that this video series is not more suggested. I enjoyed all of this collection!

  • @coreyperez13
    @coreyperez13 4 місяці тому

    Amazing presentation, information, and collection of workmanship by both ancient workers and today's workers. It really is a shame that this video series is not more suggested. I enjoyed all of this collection!

  • @coreyperez13
    @coreyperez13 4 місяці тому

    Amazing presentation, information, and collection of workmanship by both ancient workers and today's workers. It really is a shame that this video series is not more suggested. I enjoyed all of this collection!

  • @coreyperez13
    @coreyperez13 4 місяці тому

    Amazing presentation, information, and collection of workmanship by both ancient workers and today's workers. It really is a shame that this video series is not more suggested. I enjoyed all of this collection!

  • @gagarin777
    @gagarin777 4 місяці тому

    I think those gunports at the stern were doubling as king's toilet. I seriously doubt a king would squat together with sailors at the bow.

  • @matthewmckever2312
    @matthewmckever2312 5 місяців тому

    Cant believe none of this will be accessible. Obviously they must have no choice but it's a crying shame. Perhaps in the future there will be an alternative. I remember the Mary Rose coming up but this is hard to comprehend, 400 years old, Elizabethan age in England. The Cutty Sark is beautiful, the height of engineering but the Vasa is a romantic taste of a bygone age.

  • @paullamb9366
    @paullamb9366 6 місяців тому

    Great video. Never seen a tour after preservation.

  • @donovanhefner1130
    @donovanhefner1130 6 місяців тому

    Ended up here through a Facebook advert. I’m hooked, and loving these videos! Hello from Indiana!

  • @tristandotts3410
    @tristandotts3410 7 місяців тому

    Fred Hocker makes an excellent presentation in this series. Kudos.

  • @lailap25
    @lailap25 7 місяців тому

    Stackars lurade barn

  • @armonia1234
    @armonia1234 7 місяців тому

    Hej vasa ar from sweden och titanic sönk på 1912

  • @trickyd499
    @trickyd499 7 місяців тому

    where was the toilet ?

    • @vasamuseet
      @vasamuseet 7 місяців тому

      You can find the answer in this very episode :), at 3:35:

  • @baba4ka937
    @baba4ka937 7 місяців тому

    Топорами небось доски состыковали, хоть бы в наши дни кто попробовал повторить... Без электричества, станков и т д... Сначала правда топор надо сделать, без электричества.

  • @NurIslam-mn2rr
    @NurIslam-mn2rr 8 місяців тому

    My need work

  • @GreatCityAttractions
    @GreatCityAttractions 8 місяців тому

    a fascinating sight! - amazing.

  • @Lemmon714_
    @Lemmon714_ 8 місяців тому

    Really wish I spoke Swedish

    • @nicklassilwerulv6612
      @nicklassilwerulv6612 5 місяців тому

      Try out the auto-translate subtitle on settings above :)

    • @IronBelH
      @IronBelH 3 місяці тому

      I get that, the ship and its contents is indeed one of a kind. I’m sure there are videos about the ship in other languages. For the most part, she explained how the researchers work with the finds, how they are categorised and what they can learn from them, ranging from details of the life of a lowly boatsman all the way to international manufacturing and trade at the time. She also touched on the circumstances that have made a bit of a mess of the site (recovering the cannons in 1640, water movements throughout the centuries, and the recovery of the ship itself, but also that some materials have decomposed while other materials are more robust), and how they can compensate for it. A point was made to keep an open mind when drawing conclusions, exemplified by the female remains of “Beata”, whose clothes were originally thought to be men’s clothes because “man-of-war”… So there, almost caught up! What strikes me is that after hearing this, their methods seem logical and pragmatic. Almost as if I should have been able to figure it out myself. So thanks, Vasamuseet, for demystifying archeology a little bit for us!

  • @Lemmon714_
    @Lemmon714_ 8 місяців тому

    This series is absolutely fascinating. Thank you for this from the US

  • @thepeculiarswede8617
    @thepeculiarswede8617 8 місяців тому

    Ska se om jag förstod det här rätt, det är altså mer järn än hjärna.

  • @stockholm3976
    @stockholm3976 8 місяців тому

    Tur att Vasan var ett misslyckat skepp och sjönk. Annars hade vi ju inte få se det 😉😊

  • @marinap134
    @marinap134 8 місяців тому

    Какая красота😊

  • @edrickcolon2516
    @edrickcolon2516 8 місяців тому

    All exterior decoration isnt original. 😭

  • @atozzerotoninedude
    @atozzerotoninedude 8 місяців тому

    What's up with his forehead?

    • @Stefan-
      @Stefan- 8 місяців тому

      Maybe he hit it in the low doorways :-)

  • @gerokron3412
    @gerokron3412 8 місяців тому

    Great presentation. However, with swedish titles it is not recognizable that the narration is in english and there are even subtitles available! This brilliant museum needs more attendance! Cheers to Fred Hocker!

  • @mjm33mjm
    @mjm33mjm 8 місяців тому

    A shrine to a ship that sank its first day out..? Half way through the clip I started wondering where the narrator got that knot on his forehead!!

    • @KomodoDragon6969
      @KomodoDragon6969 7 місяців тому

      It’s a perfectly preserved time capsule you dolt

    • @alphax4785
      @alphax4785 4 місяці тому

      Museum =/= Shrine, and the Vasa museum is just a museum built around a quirk of nature that a ship that sank in 1628 hadn't rotted away to nothing by the time technology had advanced far enough to raise and preserve her.

  • @thriveman
    @thriveman 8 місяців тому


  • @nunyabuziness8421
    @nunyabuziness8421 9 місяців тому
